Author Notes 02: Nagase Clan
When I originally created the character of Shizune Mai for the Midgar roleplay in Second Life, I found that I went through an unintended...
Omake Zone 04: Please Stand By
SHINRA TOWER, MIDGAR UPPER HELICOPTER HANGAR BAY, 45TH FLOOR DISC 02 - FEBRUARY 2007 The four danger-red warning lights of the hangar bay...
RONIN - File 03: Shrine of the Blacksmith
SHINRA TOWER, MIDGAR MILITARY POLICE BARRACKS, 40th FLOOR DISC 02 - JULY 2010 Captain Stellato Noctis-Debesa, Commanding Officer of the...
Omake Zone 03: Survivor
UNDISCLOSED LOCATION DISC UNKNOWN Valerick Goodliffe was weary from battle. The years wore on his soul. He stood atop a barren cliff, and...
Author Notes 01: Timelines and Wutai
FOREWORD This will likely be the first in a series about various behind-the-scenes notes, doodles, thought-processes behind certain...